During my recent hypnosis certification course… my instructor asked our group if we had had a happy childhood… my hand raised high without any hesitation… as few others did… I am extremely lucky it would seem 🙂

Although we all have a choice in how we reflect back on our past… and therefore we can reframe almost any experience to change our feelings and thoughts about any and all the events that have shaped our lives to date… and I realize that perhaps at the time it wasn’t always “sunshine and rainbows” but it certainly seems that way to me now 🙂

Today I learned that my Grand Mother on my mom’s side “Grand Maman” Marthe Desjardins-Leduc passed away yesterday evening. At the age of 95 she lived a long life and passed away gently and peacefully.

I was blessed to have her in my life as I spent my summers with her in her village of Plantagenet… enjoying the country lifestyle on many weekend during the years as well. I have so many pleasant memories of her I could fill a whole blog with them :-).

During the next few weeks I will assemble more photos of her to help me remember more fully all the joy she added to my life.

Below are some photos of a celebration of her 90th Birthday (5 years ago)

She was and will always be a very special part of my life and I am lucky to be part of the family she helped to create and nurture.

This Saturday is her funeral and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful people that she connected to me. It will be a joyous celebration reflecting the wonderful life she created.

Merci grand maman (Marthe Desjardins-Leduc de Plantagenet) pour tout… je t’aime toujour!
Ton petit-fils Marc Wagner

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