I’ve spent a good part of the last 3 days in the backroom of a retailer implementing a new release version of Microsoft’s Retail Management System Store Operations.

I’m getting flash backs of previous implemetations I’ve done…

This blog was to be about my personal life… and I have to admit… lately I’ve had little time for me!

I had a great visit with my mom last week… and it just hit me that we did a bit of video taping of her and buster. So after I post I will look at it and hopefully post some up here.

I’ve barely gotten to speek to my Dad…

I had hoped to visit with my family this month in Ottawa… but that ain;t gonna happen!

My wife get’s about 15 minutes a day of attention…

Is it worth it? YES!

I will begin to balance things better.

I will get what I want… and want what I need!

Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Marc…welcome back. Dad

  2. Hello Marc, I’m really sorry to hear that you can’t make your visit to us. It would have been really nice to see you, but it’s even nicer to hear that things are going your way! And besides, you can make it up to us when you’ve “Thought and Grown Rich”!
    Best of luck to you Marc, Sharon. xox

  3. Hi Marc, tried twice to post my comment last week but didn’t work and lost my patience typing it all out twice over!!! Got my patience back and will try again! Your Mom sent me the DVD and book by mail (received it last week) – thanks so much for thinking of me. I watched the DVD and really enjoyed it. Started reading Napolean Hill and you are right. It is the Secret all over! I am enjoying it. Went to see Sharon last week and it just so happened that Oprah was on and the show was all about “The Secret”. I don’t think it will remain secret for too long… Well today is the day we would have been at the family gathering – I am disapointed that we won’t be seing you but I am very glad for the reason. Congratulations on things going so well! And we will make up the visit in a few months I’m sure. Looking forward to that discussion!
    Lisa PS – would you like me to send to DVD back to you by mail or hang on to it till your visit?

  4. To my wonderful cousins… I’m terribly sorry for not replying till now…

    Thank you for your understanding, encouragements and kind words.

    Lisa… if you could send it in the mail that would be awesome!

    Marc Wagner