I was going to post the following in my Marketing course’s discussion area:

Hello everyone!

My question is for Prof. Dewan with regards to your statement that: “I predict that there will be at least one pair of us with the same birthday”

Since reading this a few days ago, I have been curious to see the results as I originally assumed the class would be of 50 or less students…which would make it unlikely as there are 365 1/4 days a year.

I remain very intrigued about the principle that would suggest that there will be a pair of matching birthdays within the group and hope you can add some more info on this point.

Then that little voice inside said… Google it 🙂
And this came up: http://noca.leaver.org/birthday/other.html

But the story doesn’t end here… as I was reading the above… the following post occurred:
“Second April 2 birthday” by Cohen, Suzanna on Sat Jan 13 2007 at 23:13!!!

Which is freaky in itself… but add to the fact that is the prof’s birthday… talk about a memorable moment!!!

Marc Wagner

One Comment

  1. Hi Marc. Interesting statistics. What are the odds of Brother, sister, and brother’s son being born in the same month? Or is this a common occurrence? Good Luck again on your course. Dad.