In less than 2 weeks I begin another course online with Ryerson University. As per this post’s tittle… I have found “school” a bit challenging to say the least.

I realize that approaching the experience confrontationally will only make it more difficult than simply welcoming it… so let’s just say the tittle is there for impact and not how I really feel 😉

Round 1

I went to York University full time for 1 year back in 1991/92 while working full time… 3 years after finishing high school. At the time I was very interested in Asian culture and economics. I continued to work in retail during the school year… and never really got into the habit of attending classes. I did poorly and decided not to return! Plus I really felt a career involving Retail was my destiny.

I’ve always felt at a disadvantage not having gone to University. I’ve always felt insecure because I can’t say I have a degree! There… I’ve said it… so now I’m going to fix it!

Round 2

As noted in previous posts I took an avid interest in reading in mid 2004 and really got into gear in 2005. In August 2005 a brochure for Ryerson’s continuing education came in the mail and I discovered they had a Retail Management Certificate program. I decided to enrol at the last minute and signed up for 3 courses starting in September 2005!!! It didn’t take me a week to realize I had overwhelmed myself and dropped 1 right away. I fell behind in the 2nd one and didn’t complete the course… and finished the 3rd one with a C (yuck)

Round 3

Well… having fallen off more wagons than I can count… I realize the trick is jumping back on that wagon as often as possible! So I signed up for 1 course this semester… marketing 101… which I hope will teach me some valuable lessons that I can apply to my business right now.

So as the bell rings for round 3… I will stand up and attempt to knock this one out with an A

Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Rocky,I mean Marc, listen if old Balboa can win six historic fights, you should have no problem raching in the B’s and A’s. Good luck to you in the ring, oops, I meant in the classroom. Love, Dad.

  2. As always Dad… thank you for your encouragement and support!

  3. Marc, I am the assistant news editor with Excalibur (York university’s student newspaper) I’m doing a story on retention rates, and was wondering if I could interview you on why you didn’t stay with York as a school If you are interested could you email me at [email protected], my deadline is today. Thanks!

  4. I get an email notification when ever someone leaves a comment on my blog… which is how I discover this one! I hope it not too late… and all of sudden I feel far more exposed… than I did a few momments ago!

    Marc Wagner