1. I was refered to this blog by Marc Wagner, whom I’ve known for over thirty seven years. Let me begin by congratulating you on this undertaking. You seem to cover many areas and many topics, which if someone is looking for diversity, you have a lot to offer. Is there anything that I could do to help drive people to your blog? Good Luck. Bob/Dad

  2. Hi again,,you seem to be involved in so many facets of business, I suggest that you give a bit more of a biography of yourself so that we can better relate to who and what you are in the retail field. Don’t be shy now, tell us about you. Thanks..Dad/Bob

  3. Thanks Dad for the support 🙂

    Here is what you can do… start your own blog and link it to mine… that will help me build some traffic!

    I promise I won’t be shy 🙂 Perhaps I’ll even share some pictures… I’ve got a few good ones of you that come to mind 🙂

  4. I can tell from this early stage of your blog that there are things of interest to any reader. You have good writing skills, Marc, and I’m sure you’ll keep the interest of readers once you begin to develop a readership. Thank you for the invitation to hook-up my future blog to yours. Give me a few days to acclimate myself to the concept, and I’l see what I can do. By the way, using any photo’s of me prior to the year 2006 will completely ruin your blog, as all those pictures have viruses and hemmoroids in them. I’ll pose for new ones in front of City Hall anytime you”re ready. Keep up the good work. and best wishes. Bob the Dad.

  5. This is exactly why I get pissed-off with doing things on the computer. I wrote about ten lines on the comment sheet, then the word verification took three attempts to post it on the comment sheet. I pushed publish, and what I wrote does not appear on your blog. It is on the comment sheet and I hope you can access what I wrote…..there should be a blog that correcxts all errors made, either by the writer or by the computer. Ciao..Mad Dad

  6. Take a deep a breath Dad… relax… it’s all good… your doing just fine.

    I’ll give you a little tip. Type what you want to type in Microsoft Word… then copy and paste in the comment box… it might make more sense for you at this stage.

    Perhaps one day computers will correct everything they think humans are doing wrong… but I’m not sure that would be in our best interest!

    Dad… I look forward to your blog and it would be pleasure to take your picture at City Hall!

  7. Hi Marc, well I filled out the Google application, and all that I see is that I have a Blogger display name. Is something else supposed to come up or happen? I read your revue on The Trump that you posted on Indigo…brief, but good…I personally wouldn’t give Trump the satisfaction of giving him any more than two letters: F.U. Take care, Mr. Bob

  8. Dad… Robert Wagner… Mr Bob… Bob Wagner… jeez I gotta tell ya… you ain’t so easy to locate on blogspot.

    But at least I know you aren’t:


    Please let us knwo where we can find you 🙂

    I think I read somewhere that The Donald is a big fan of Elvis… but maybee I’m just making that one up for you Dad 🙂

    Christmas is coming soon… maybee santa will leave this book in your stocking?

  9. Hum… I guess I can’t edit the comment after I post it?

    Nor can I post the same kind of HTML tags as with a regular post?

    Well Dad… I was going to suggest to santa that you might like getting Donald Trump’s
    “Trumpism” – TRUMP 101 for Christmas… but I guess this is sign!

    Dad… keep smilling

  10. Ooooops,as for your suggestion on Santa and Trump 101, such a gesture would only save me from buying an extra two rolls of potty=paper, and the two hard covers would be ideal to scrape the mud off of my shoes. It wouldn’t surprise me if Trumpy is a fan of Elvis, but the real question is, was Elvis a fan of Trump. Adieu, Mr. Le Marc.

  11. Hi,you won’t but yet you might believe this but I can’t locate my blog. I’ve got it written down as bobwagnersblogspot.com but no such address appears…did I insult a blog-master or something? I’ve decided that my blog is for all the lost bloggers out there who are looking for their home-blog. Well I don’t exist, so I may as well sign off. blog-blog. Bodad.

  12. Mon cher Papa… you are forgetting a . (dot)

    Your blog’s address is actualy

    And… it’s far too early in the game to give up!

    The real question is… do you remmember how to log in to your account?

    On another note… big Bob… to give you a sense of what’s out there already… in blog land… I just searched http://www.blogger.com to see how many listing would come up for “Donald Trump”… the answer
    74,401 posts. For “Elvis Presley”… 103,816 posts! looks like the king is pretty popular out there…

    “Star Trek” gets 291,210 posts… and for no particular reason (except that I call my wife this once in a while) “noodle doodle” has 89 posts!!!

    “the matrix” hits 162,883 posts… “seth godin” gets 22,042 posts… “Tobago” 97,092… “nevis” 29,560… and the list goes on and on… find your voice Dad… and share it with the world!