Author: Your Fan Marc

Yesterday was a great day… and so was today! Steve Ballmer @ NRF 2007

In hindsight and in foresight… all days are great! Although there has been some “reports” (found via Google) on Steve Ballmer’s speech at the NRF… (Which linked the next […]

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Book reviewing on Indigo

I had taken a break from my book review project on Indigo’s web site. First and foremost… it takes time and energy for me to write a review… and more […]

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What are the odds!

I was going to post the following in my Marketing course’s discussion area: Hello everyone! My question is for Prof. Dewan with regards to your statement that: “I predict that […]

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Marketing 101 course begins…

Today begins the first week of this course and I’m very excited! The Definition of Marketing (AMA 1986) is: “The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and […]

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