Author: Your Fan Marc

Remind me :-)

Inspired by the events of day… facilitated by great technology… I thought this video from Easter 2002 would complete my postings for the day. Now… I really look forward to […]

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Microsoft, HP and Retail

I began my career in retail in 1989 and since then I’ve been passionate about information technology and it application in the management of a retail operation. Similar to those […]

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It’s a new year!!!

2007 How time flies! New years day always makes me conscious of the speed at which time passes… as do birthdays and anniversaries. I find it hard to believe that […]

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Buster: His First Video

Introducing the newest member of our clan: Buster the greatest chihuahua ever! Also I should thank “The Long Tail” for introducing me to this service as well as lots of […]

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The Secret as I understand it…

The Secret… which is revealed as the law of attraction… is essential knowledge in my opinion. My previous post detailed how I came upon “The Secret” book and movie. This […]

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