My Dad is a good man!

I am blessed to have him in my life. As far back as I can remember he has maintained consistently 2 mindsets with regards to my life’s progress.

First and foremost he has never placed a limit in my mind about what I can achieve!

Second and of equal value… he has never set any expectations or shown any kind of disappointment with my choices.

Granted… at times over the course of my life I though he was nuts because their were and will be things at which I suck… yet he always insist on telling me I’m good at them…

Other times I’ve wondered if he had set specific expectations perhaps I might be further ahead than I am today in certain areas of my life… but in the end I appreciate the freedom he has given me.

If… I am considered by others to be entrepreneurial… it is in large part due to his influence. I can recall him trying to enlist me into selling Amway when I was 12 or 13 years old… but my mom had a very different view on how I was going to spend my time.

When I was 16… and my mom needed a bit of a break (they divorced when I was 3 years old) I asked him if I could move in with him… and he made our home on the island of Nevis!!! (More on that at some point)

Being of Gypsy decent… a year latter we moved to Scarborough Ontario.

When I turned 18 he registered a business name for me… I believe it was Marc Wagner Consulting and Management (I though he was crazy since I believed at the time I knew too little about anything to consult anyone)

Perhaps of greatest significance he encouraged me to read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”

Think & Grow Rich: 13 Steps to Riches

I can remember reading it… and accepting it as a fact… however I did not follow it’s instructions? I think the main reason for failing to act on it… is that within the “Six ways to turn desire into gold” when I was 18 (not to suggest that is too young for others)… I had not yet developed a vision of what I could do for step 2 “determining what you intend to give in return…” that would anywhere near justify the amount of money I could envision desiring.

Fast forward to April 2006… about 18 years later… my Dad gave me a copy of “Think and Grow Rich” again… which I read… and the messages really hit home!

But this post is not about that… more post will follow on this book… and other books that have helped me believe in myself.

This post is about saying what I don’t say often enough:

“Thanks Dad… I love you”

If you want to learn more about him… please visit his blog or check back here… I’ll be posting some more posts about this good man named Bob Wagner

Marc Wagner

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