My mom is the best!

She lives in Ottawa and I see her far less often than I should. I am guilty of not making enough time for her and she deserves far more than I have ever given her. Many might think that my perceptions of her are biased as she is my mother… but in truth I cannot say I’ve ever met another person that I admire more!

I wont even pretend to claim that I am anything like her… as she is one of a kind. Having dedicated her professional life to nursing… care and concern for the welfare of others shines through her on in every circumstance.

In June 2006 I finally read Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” which I found marvelous.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

I would say my mom is the perfect example of living a life based on principles. Not family nor friendship… nor fear or doubt… have ever stood in her way of doing the right things!

Wise with her money… she has been frugal with regards to her own wants yet infinitely generous to those around her.

She is wise and pretty and the greatest compliment I could ever be given would be that part of her could be seen in me!

This post is far to short to do her justice… so you can expect more in the future. I hope she will create her own blog sooner than later… it would be a great step at making the world a better place.

Marc Wagner

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