
It’s a new year!!!

2007 How time flies! New years day always makes me conscious of the speed at which time passes… as do birthdays and anniversaries. I find it hard to believe that […]

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Buster: His First Video

Introducing the newest member of our clan: Buster the greatest chihuahua ever! Also I should thank “The Long Tail” for introducing me to this service as well as lots of […]

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The Secret as I understand it…

The Secret… which is revealed as the law of attraction… is essential knowledge in my opinion. My previous post detailed how I came upon “The Secret” book and movie. This […]

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Happy Holidays Everyone

Happy Holidays everyone! I wish everyone the very best… may your wishes come true! There are so many things I’d like to share with you all… but today isn’t the […]

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The power of habits

I will laugh at the world! I am currently on the scroll marked VII of The Greatest Salesman in the World and anxiously await the scroll marked IX… as more […]

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What’s in a name?

To an extent I’m sure our life is affected by the name our parent choose for us and the ones we inherit via our culture. I could have easily been […]

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A quick message for santa

Dear Santa, I know I haven’t written to you in years but I figure you must be checking every ones blog since it’s the ideal way for people to let […]

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I must be going Blog Crazy!!!

Somewhere in the configuration pages of there is an option to have your blog update so being curious… I followed the link to get an idea what the […]

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