I had taken a break from my book review project on Indigo’s web site. First and foremost… it takes time and energy for me to write a review… and more often than not… I feel I could have done much better.

The second reason is that… well… Amazon’s system is far more exciting from a reviewers perspective… but as I stated previously… I am dedicated to supporting brick and mortar retailers and will remain loyal to Indigo (as long as they offer me more perceived value)

I was a bit disappointed that my review of “Think and Grow Rich” wasn’t appearing on their site… so I sent them the following email:

Customer (Marc Wagner)
12/18/2006 10:13 PM
Regarding book reviews… how much time does it takes for them to appear?I’ve chosen to associate myself with your organization (affiliate and reviewer) instead of Amazon as I am a retail consultant and strongly believe in its value to society.I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the power of user reviews in the context of “The Long Tail”.

Amazon lets a user search their site for reviews by the person who posted them… your site does not… Amazon even let’s you profile yourself as a reviewer… your site does not. 2 to 3 days ago I posted a review of Think and Grow Rich… it’s not there… I have not received an email explaining why it hasn’t been posted… nor are there any help topics on this subject that I could find.You have the power to create a compelling experience… you should improve this aspect of your site.

Marc Wagner

I receive the following response:

12/19/2006 07:02 PM
Dear Marc Wagner ,Thank you for contacting Chapters Indigo Online regarding your book review.All book reviews are manually reviewed and then posted to the website. You will not see it there automatically, as the process takes the web team approximately 7 business days.The review including positive or negative content does not impact the posting. Although, if there is any inappropriate content (i.e.swearing), the review will not be posted.We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.

Erin Customer Service Team

And a few days latter… my review appeared… with one small change!

I was trying to get my domain address marcwagner.net in there… so I had used that as my name… but the .net was removed. I was going to complain… but I tried using marcwagner.net as my “location” on my “Long Tail” review… and… it’s there 🙂

So I’m back to reviewing books… Thanks Indigo!

Marc Wagner

One Comment

  1. Hi Marc. You’re ability to follow up and be persistent is to be highly commended. Good man. Bob/Dad