I can remember it like it was yesterday…. On June 30, 2004 I purchased “How to get Rich” by Donald Trump as the next day I had a meeting scheduled with a potentially important client who is directly involved with “The Donald” and I felt it might be of great value to learn a bit more about these folks mindset.

It was such an easy read and it made allot of sense. I should state that I had not read a book since 1999 and that is not to suggest I had ever enjoyed reading books before that either. TV and the Internet were my pastime and outside of the required readings in High School I had read less than 10 books.

The meeting never happened and I decided to attend the Microsoft Partner Conference as it was in my city and despite the price… it would have been unforgivable to miss this opportunity.

Doug Burgum’s speech at the Worldwide Microsoft Partner Conference in Toronto. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/burgum/07-12WWPC04.mspx He spoke of “Good to Great” in a way that made me feel like I was missing out by not having read it… so the next day I bought it and started to read. I felt after the first 20 or so pages that it was way beyond me and that perhaps I should put it down and forget about it… but I persisted and can say it fundamentally change my perception of business and of reading books. Like a spark… it ignited my desire to learn more and I began reading with a passion as many books as Indigo could place on their featured business table.

I have become a fan of Jim Estill’s blog www.jimestill.com due to the fact that he often speaks of the books he reads and I find his perspective great. I hope to be able to something similar with my Blog. As I am a fan of “brick and motar” retailers I have chosen to set up an affiliate relationship with Indigo vs Amazon.

During the next few weeks I hope to provide a review of the books I have read during the last 2 and half years… and will begin to post my review of the books I am reading… and hope that anyone who feels I would benefit from a book will post a suggestion on my blog.

Marc Wagner

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