You can’t measure the amount of joy I experienced today when I saw my cousin Sharon’s comment on my blog!

In 2006 I set a goal of getting my finances and health on track… for 2007 it will be strengthening my relationship with my family!

I have neglected this part of my life significantly over the last… 20 years or so. I take it for granted that my relatives like me… as I like all of them… even though I maintain a distance and do not communicate as frequently with them as I should.

So let this blog serve as notice… this year I will improve this part of my life!

I am blessed with a great family and I have never felt I lacked anything despite not having a brother or sister… most likely because my cousins Lisa and Sharon filled in that role so well!

I realize some may find the following statement misguided… but I will say it anyways! I’d be scarred to see what my life would have been like… had it not been for Sharon’s influence in my teens. I probably would have been the biggest mommas boy geek ever… thanks Sharon… you defined cool for me at 14 and I owe you for that big time!

I also owe a big thanks to Lisa as she tough me a great tip to help me learn “kiss off” and set a great example on how to be as a person!

What a great day… I hope everyone starts a blog… as I would really like to see, hear and read how everyone is doing.

Marc Wagner


  1. Hey Marc, it’s your cousin Lisa. You made me feel so homesick for you reading your goals. I love this site, I feel like I’ve just had a nice, long visit with you. You know that even if we don’t get to see you as often as we’d like, when you visit it’s almost like it had just been last week that I last saw you. I always enjoy your visits so much and feel very proud of the person you’ve become. I think you will be able to achieve whatever you set you mind. Enjoyed reading your book reviews – I will have to check our “The secret”. A book that gave me a lot of inspiration (althought it is not “sales” oriented) is ” The power of NOW”. Anyways, I am looking forward to reading more!

  2. Dearest Lisa,

    What a pleasure seeing you here!

    I dug up a little clip that I’m posting momentarily with you in it. (I’m having some technical difficulties)

    At first glance I thought you where referring to a book by the founder of TIBCO with the same title… “The Power of Now: How Winning Companies Sense and Respond to Change Using Real-Time Technology” (which I almost read as while working for MindTheStore as we had partnered with them) but I assume you are referring to “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment”. I will add it to my list of “must reads”!

    I am so looking forward to seeing you and your family in February and hope that you will set up a blog for yourself so I can keep tabs on you too!

    Marc Wagner

  3. Hi Marc, you wrote that you were blessed with a great family.It is us that are blessed to have you as part of all the families. Dad.