…simply means jumping back on!

Things could not be better!

I have established certain goals for myself using www.truestar.com synergistic system.

I have figured out that my Major Chief Purpose is to inevitably help humanity. Initially by improving peoples experience with so called “Information Technology”.

(Buster just started chocking… panic attack… he’s OK)

As I was saying… I have set up specific goals or myself.

Underlining all of them is my defining goal which is living my Major Chief Purpose of helping humanity specifically by improving peoples experiences with “IT”

To this end I have formulated my Personal Mission Statement as being:
“I transform Information Technology into Digital Intelligence and I leverage the power of recontextualization.”

www.it2di.net and www.recontextualization.com

Goals need to be set against time:
Short Term Goals like Daily, Weekly and Monthly and Mid and Long term goals based on 1, 5 and 10 year objectives need to be established.

Personal Development goals also need to be centered around specific foundations:


They need to take into account that thought become things!

That the only limits are the ones we set ourselves!

That belief and passions as expressed by patience and determination lead to the invertible realization of ones goals!

The thoughts that form the habits are the driving force of success!

Marc Wagner


  1. Congratulations! Congrats in several areas. First for making a return appearance on your blog, we all missed you. Next, congrats on your ambitious and generous goal that you have set for your life.With all these projects that you’ve set for yourself, including your work, it would be acceptable for you to give yourself time to yourself. I am extremely proud of you Marc, and I know success will come your way.If, for some reason some of your projects don’t quite materialize, remember, you have touched many, many hearts. Dad

  2. Hey Marc! Good that you are back (I haven’t checked in a while… Love reading about what you are doing and to feel the enthusiasm in your updates. I know you will get what you want. (I will too because I have a genie lamp… Ha ha!) Lisa

  3. Sorry for the delay in responding… somehow your posts slipped under my radar!

    Dear Lisa… thank you for the book! At first glance I thought.. .geez… a book from a woman who speaks in tonges 🙂

    But I attacked it today… read 75 pages and I must say… so far so good!

    Thank you and I look forward t oposting good news sooner than latter
