I guess in a way I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I am interested in the subject… but not so embarrassed that I keep it to myself 🙂

I became aware that my sign is Leo like most others in our society at a young enough age… and have to admit I liked the characterization. It’s not like I read my horoscope daily… but occasionaly I do take a peak at it.

In my early twenties I took a serious interest in Asian and Oriental philosophies and discovered I was a rooster. To be honest I always felt I was a Dragon… but I am what I am… a Leo Rooster.

March 10, 2003 an interesting book found me at the local Indigo bookstore:

The New Astrology:A Unique Synthesis of the World''s Two Great Astrological Systems: The Chinese & Western

I have found it to be incredibly accurate over the analisys of many many people I know… it’s pretty strange… the theme music of the twilight zone seems to play in my mind everytime I look up someone I meet.

I am a Leo Rooster!

This post also serves as my first attempt to leverage my new relationship with Indigo.

I am now an affiliate which means if you click on the picture of the book or the link below and purchase something… I will get a commision.

Secondly… I have decided to post my book reviews on their site so please feel free to visit them to see how I rated and reviewed the book 🙂

The New Astrology:A Unique Synthesis of the World”s Two Great Astrological Systems: The Chinese & Western

Feel free to give me tips and advice on how to get better at this please!

Tommorow… I will post on another book!

Marc Wagner

One Comment

  1. Pretty impressive. Thank you for the plug and for being that Leo/Rooster we all love so dearly.

    Are you on Facebook? Check it out and be my friend please.

    Cheers, Suzanne White