I began my career in retail in 1989 and since then I’ve been passionate about information technology and it application in the management of a retail operation. Similar to those who follow statistics around the sports they enjoy… I have have found retail metrics to be my key interest.

This year will be a breakthrough year in many ways as many technologies have come of age.

On Jan 15, 2007 Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft will be presenting a vision of things to come at that NRF (National Retail Federation) show in New York city. This will also be the launch of Version 2.0 of Microsoft’s Retail Management System and will also mark the re launch of my POS business: LaunchPOS.

This week I formalized a relationship with HP as our hardware provider and look forward to going to market with a complete solution targeting independent retailers.

I have enjoyed posting on this blog my personal thought on a few subjects and I must thank my Dad for been so active with his posting of comments!

Over the next weeks I will begin to post on my other blog “spots” more relevant content to the topic of the blogs themselves. LaunchPOS and Retail Rituals will come of age 🙂

I still will be posting my personal things here and look forward to keep everyone updated of what goes on in my life… and in my head.

6 days into the new year already… wow… time really does fly!

Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Marc. I am eagerly awaiting your new information to be held on Launch POS. I have enjoyed every word of your personal blog and must say you are an excellent writer, with an interesting way of putting forth your ideas. It’s unfortunate that you don’t have a line-up of readers to your blog, as they would definitely learn things from you, as well as having a series of topics that would be found interesting. I wish you continued success in this your next phase of Marc Wagner’s life and career. love, dad.

  2. Dear Dad,
    Thank you for the compliment on my writing skills… I am currently reading quite a bit on the subject and hope to significantly improve my writing style this year.

    In my mind… there is nothing unfortunate about writing to a small audience when it comes to my “personal” blog… as it is primarily for me… and obviously you… big Bob 🙂

    Actually what is more unfortunate is that you have not yet added more content to your blog for me to read! Perhaps my blog will inspire more of my friends and family members to create their own blogs in order to share their thoughts and experiences… pictures and videos… and whatever else this medium allows.

    On the other hand… my LaunchPOS blog content will be specifically written for my existing clients and prospects… which I hope will provide them with value and insights. As “retail” goes beyond the POS and technology… I will also be generating content for my http://www.retailrituals.com blog… with a broader subject range. I hope these 2 blogs provide enough value to draw interest and a significant readership… and should those folks want to know more about me… my personal blog will be there to satisfy their curiosity 🙂

    As always Dad… thank you for reading and commenting

    Marc Wagner