Till I read Words that Work in January 2007… I never thought I would read or listen to Tony Robbins… and I also had huge misconceptions about his message.

Now I’m a big fan!

It has been hard to shake my belief that products and services sold via infomercials were any good.

I never quite realized how “people” think and feel about most things… till I participated in online groups… where folks tend to express them selves simply… and directly with words.

In person… our main communication is not the words… so blogs, emails, texts, tweets and other forms of written communication… let the words express it all…

During the last 6 months… witnessing the extreme reactions to the initiative Tim Mulcahy took with his mission to create some good… out of a sad situation. http://www.tylermulcahy.com/ I have become very aware of how people can be extremely immediately harsh… opinionated… and despite my own reservations… the Wisdom of Crowds seems to shine through in the end.

The Secret is a video and book that may go a bit to far in certain ways… in promoting a basic idea that how you think affect your reality… significantly.

It is ironic… as I am critical… and often point out the errors I perceive… after reading How To Win Friends and Influence People… I should remind myself more often about this not such a logical… habit.

Stephen Covey really takes Habits seriously… and his work on the 7 and 8 is awesome… Deepak’s 7 are equally enlightening… and if you want to get in the habit of reading positive thoughts… Og’s Greatest Salesman in the World is an obvious good start.

What the “bleep” does this have to do with Malcolm Gladwell’s new book…

Well… when I heard that his book what going to be on “The Story of Success” I decided this book was going to be the book that would tun my life around.

So… I can either choose to find all the reasons why it shouldn’t be… or all the reasons it could be!

After spending 3 years researching the domain of Personal Development… I will say that buried in Outlier is a magical and practical path that can be leveraged by ANYONE and EVERYONE.

Join me tomorrow for part 2 – Success with Outliers
(Tomorrow… became a few weeks – 12/28/2008)

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