Dear Santa,

I know I haven’t written to you in years but I figure you must be checking every ones blog since it’s the ideal way for people to let other people know what their thinking… and I’d bet it easy to tell who’s been good and who’s been naughty by scanning through their posts.

This year I’m hoping that an XBOX 360 with Saints Row will appear under the Christmas tree. I rented one a few weeks ago and I was really impressed. So there are no misunderstandings… I am a loyal fan of Microsoft… and I have no interest in the other systems. I currently have an XBOX and I love it

I recently read MIND SET! by John Naisbitt and was shocked at how huge “gaming” is as an industry.

Mind Set!

I haven’t spent much time on the Live system… each time I try I realize how awful I am and feel intimidated by all the pros. As per his book in 2005 sales were over $10 billion in the US… more than people spent going to the movies!!!

The book makes reference to Steven Spielberg’s statement: ‘I think the real indicator will be when somebody confesses that they cried at level 17.” regarding to the gaming industry coming of age… to which I say… immerse yourself in “Half Life 2” that game had me in ecstasy for over 50 hours and I’ll admit I almost cried when the adventure ended 🙂

So Santa… if you can get me an XBOX 360… that would be great… if you can’t I’ll understand… and I’ll get one for myself in the new year. Keep up the good work… and stay warm.

Marc Wagner

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