Well I’m a bit overwhelmed.

I tend to take on too much at once… and slowly but surely it starts to get a bit difficult to do everything I hoped too do… but I am telling myself “If I keep trying… I know I can”. I’m also getting in the habit of telling myself “that every day… in every way… I’m getting better” and “I live a charmed life”.

I had made a list of the books I read in chronological order… based on the fact that I keep practically every receipt I get… and I’ve only been seriously reading for 2 1/2 years… it made making the list easy. I was going to review them in the order I read them… which would make sense… but even at one a day… it’s going to take at least 3 months to accomplish… so I might have to re adjust my thinking on that one.

Today I am jumping ahead to a book I recently read. I’ve been so inspired by Jim Estill… I’ve been trying to do some of the things he does. His book is wonderful. Totally worth it! I read it October 26, 2006… and it has impacted me in so many ways… including the decision to start blogging!

Visit his blog… it’s absolutely worth it! http://www.jimestill.com/

Marc Wagner

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