The Secret… which is revealed as the law of attraction… is essential knowledge in my opinion. My previous post detailed how I came upon “The Secret” book and movie. This post will serve to reveal my take on this revelation.

As I previously noted I am a fan of Napoleon Hill and other motivational writers. In as much as I love Think and Grow Rich… it has not yet worked for me (because I have not yet followed through with it 6 steps to turn desires into gold).

I do feel now ready to embrace it as I am now empowered with a key concept that has been imprinted in my mind by reading and watching “The Secret” First and foremost we must create the desire. I repeat for emphasis… FIRST and FOREMOST we must create the desire. Ask – Believe – Receive… and allow the Universe to show us the way!

As my dad commented on the previous post… and I paraphrase hopefully accurately… it’s easy enough to understand… and therefore we quickly attempt to move on to the next steps to achieving our desires without completely embracing the essential step… to quote my Dad “You must get down to the basics” and in the context of achievement… creating and nurturing the DESIRE is the basics… and part of that is redefining what we want… based on the awareness that only we create the limits to our potential!

I have not followed the instructions and therefore I do not question why I have not seen the results 🙂 Or more accurately… I have not truly and actively desired more than I have… and therefore I have exactly what I wanted! (that you follow the instructions or not… it is essential to understand the law of attraction has always and will always work!)

Now I want more and I will make my desires specific!

I am committing to following ALL the instructions moving forward from NOW!

2006 WAS the greatest year of my life to date and every year there after will only get better.

The second key concept I absorbed from “The Secret” is that the Universe is abundant. That the limits I perceive are entirely my own… which I find beautifully summarized in the quote by Henry Ford: “If you think you can… or you think you can’t… you’re right.” Beyond the limitless abundance of the Universe… all things matter! Money, Health, Relationships… everything we experience as human beings should be as what we want… and what we dare to want is restricted ONLY by our own mind!

Without any doubt I state that “The Secret” is GREAT and I wish it to affect the mind and spirit of everyone! That said… my mind was very receptive to it’s message… and perhaps for many others it may not be the case. I briefly scanned a negative review on of the book… and I can see why for some this may not be as sensible as I currently see it… and I will explain why it fit just perfectly in my mind… and therefore would suggest the same approach to others not yet exposed to “The Secret”.

Read the book first… then download and read “The Science of Getting Rich” (The book that acted as a catalyst to produce “The Secret”) then watch the video. If you haven’t yet… start reading Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and any other motivational books you can find… including pure psychology, philosophy and religious books if you are so inclined. Look at the world around you with a mind that is open to the idea that we create our own reality… and I have no doubt you will see “The Secret” exposed everywhere you look!

I suggest the movie be watched after the book is read. I find that I look at the source of the information equally to the information itself. I realize that in my life I have often ignored good advise as I perceived the one giving the advice as not being the best examples of the words being spoken… which is a terrible mistake to make! I found that “The Secrets” modern day teachers at first glance did not have the “credibility” to deliver the message. Yet oddly enough I don’t question the validity of the “previous teachers”???. I wonder if someone had given me the movie 1 year ago… if I wouldn’t have dismissed it for the wrong reasons… a “blink” judgment of the presenters… instead of an attention to the message contained within! I guess I should just say I am glad that I was ready… as I now know “The Secret” of achieving and expanding my potential!

As the new year approaches… I wish all the best to everyone… may you all find your way to happiness and joy!

Marc Wagner


  1. Hey Marc, I just happened to be at Chapters today and couldn’t find the book I was looking for and instead found a copy of “The Secret” so I got it! I figure it will give us some interesting discussion when you come down. Can’t wait! Lisa

  2. Lisa… I always find our discussions enlightening and I look forward to hearing your feedback on the book 🙂

    I’ll bring The Secret DVD with me… as it looks like the law of attraction was at work 😉

    Marc Wagner