Beyond the message… one of the first thing that hit me during my first reading of The Secret was the absence of reference to Napoleon Hill! Except for the brief mention in Bob Proctor’s profile.

Perhaps even more disturbing was that the quote “Whatever the mind… can conceive it can achieve.” is credited to W. Clement Stone… when it is a know fact that “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” was said by Dr. Napoleon Hill!

Today I received an email from The Napoleon Hill foundation… and one of the things it mentioned is…

The other thing that “kind of baked my noodle” in the NapHill email is that it is now distributed Buy Gitomer!

A few weeks ago I read “The Little Gold book of YES! Attitude” which I enjoyed… which recommended Think and Grow Rich as well as other great books.

As noted in a previous post… I am reading my first Anthony Robbin’s book… and I must say… I like it allot! It’s over 500 pages… so I’m taking it a chapter a day… and so far it’s wonderful!

Now I need to go and focus on POS 🙂

Marc Wagner

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