1. In order to qualify as person of the year there must be certain characteristics and certain positive traits in the individual. If you asked a thousand people to name some of these you would prabaly get a thousand different answers. I feel the first two qualities needed by the person of the year is a moral and ethical approach to life. Definitely honesty would be a requisite. A kind person that extends himself to others in his private life as well in his business world. Showing stability is a qualifying nature that earns respect. A person that is constantly learning by reading and through education.The person must demonstrate dependability in private as well as personal life. Positive thinking,and encouraging others to think positively shows the strength of the individual. And above all ,an important criteria is to possess a sense of humor. The only person that I know that has all the above characteristics and traits is my Son, Marc Wagner. Thank you.

  2. Dear Dad… you need to get out there and meet more people 🙂

    2 other essential elements would be reach and impact!

    One day perhaps my work in the field of Retail will qualify me for such an honor 🙂

    Keep smiling and start posting 🙂