I am many things made up of many things.

Knowing myself is a passion which I believe is pivotal to achieving my mission to Enjoy Every Moment.

From a practical data perspective there are some key points about me that have an impact.

#1 – Date of Birth

Using my date of birth and the current date I can establish my current chronological age.

It can also create a frame of awareness of how the time and age I perceived my environment having shared in some common experiences.

#2 – Gender

Not withstanding the complex identity we have of ourselves and the varying degrees of so called gender or sex we generally fall into 2 classifications: Male or Female.

There are genetic differences that affect our appearances as well and our behaviors.

#3 – Ethnicity

Genetically we inherit a number of characteristics from our parents as well as the history of of backgrounds. This has an impact of body composition as well as other outcomes.

So so far… I am Marc Wagner born August 2, 1969, Male, Caucasian
Generally speaking these will not change for most people during their lifetime.

#4 – Height

As we age we tend to stabilize in height and then slowly begin to shrink a bit with age.

#5 – Weight

As we age we tend reach a point of stability and over time tend to loose some muscle mass. Behavior around nutrition and activity dictates in many ways my body composition and overall weight.

#6 – Waist circumference

Visceral fat is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and can give a person an apple versus pear shape when it comes to fat distribution.

#7 – Hip circumference

The waist to hip ratio helps determine the relative fat distribution from visceral to subcutaneous fat and can help determine the risk factor associated with certain shapes.

Currently I am rounding myself up to 5′ 10″ and this morning I weighed around 175 pounds. I measure my waist at 35″ and my hips at 37″

#8 – Physical activity level

From general classifications like: sedentary, low active, active r very active to the calculated calories you burn daily, there are a few ways to track activity levels.

How can these initial 8 questions about yourself help you in achieving the goal of Enjoy Every Moment? 

Lets explore some of these values and how they can be used to improve your life 🙂


Assuming you are an adult, the medical community uses BMI the “Body Mass Index” as a quick thin slice of determining health status based on the relative size of the individual.

Although usually we use height and weight to determine the BMI… I recommend that if your height is not likely to change significantly any time soon, determine your weight ranges according to BMI ranges and simply focus on achieving your best weight.

As example I am 5’10” so I am classified as normal weight between 129 – 174 pounds

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