The first 50 years were an amazing journey of discovery.

1969 – 1979
Can’t say that I remember much about the first 10 but I am grateful for my mom for creating a great home environment and taking good care of me.
1980 – 1989
From 11 to 20 I was blessed with lots of changes. From the comfort of grade school to going to an all boys private Catholic school. To living on the Island of Nevis  with my Dad for a year and then moving to Scarborough and making English my primary language as well as Toronto my home.
1990 – 1999
From 21 to 30 I focussed must of my efforts of working in retail and enjoying nightclubs. Lived with 2 amazing roommates, owned a clothing store and met the woman who I would have my first long term relationship with.
2000 – 2009
From 31 to 40 my career evolved into many diffetent roles. From technology to weight loss and business consulting. I also met Tony Robbins who made a big impact on my life.
2010 – 2019
From 41 – 50 my first long term relationship ended. I met some interesting individuals and explored many areas of interest. I had the opportunity to work in the emerging cannabis industry. Got seriously tattooed and continued to experience events with Tony Robbins. I also met the woman I was destined to be with.
Despite some challenges I have enjoyed my life. The first 50 have flowns by and I have accumulated many beautiful memories I cherish.
Time seems to accelerate each year as the seasons seem to fly by.
Aging is a blessing and also has it challenges.
Time is precious….
I look forward the next 50 even better than the first!
My mission is to… 
enjoy every moment

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