As you might be able to tell from some of my previous posts… I am currently attracted to “motivational” books.

Oddly enough I resisted them for years… perhaps it was because I found the idea hokey… or that I lacked the interest in self improvement… or maybe it was my perceptions of Tony Robbins infomercials in 1989 that kept me from them 🙂 Whatever the reason were… now I feel empowered by them and motivated to learn more about this subject.

Like many things in my life a chain of events triggered something in my mind that led to a change. My grandmother’s oldest brother… Lucien… passed away during April 2006. He was 103 years young! His father had lived to 104!!! My mom asked me go to the funeral but I felt that I was not in a financial position to do so… which really bothered me… as I can say money has not often stood in my way… as my wants have been moderated by my means.

At the time I was around 210 pounds and decided it was time to stop exclusively wearing casual clothing and start wearing some suits. I wasn’t happy with my body and took the advise of a wise friend and mentor to buy the clothes for the man I wanted to be… not the man I was! So I bought them too tight and stated to wear them daily… it made me feel great!!! (Within 3 months I was 175 pounds and still am… but that also is part of another story 🙂

My Dad must have seen something in me… and as mentioned in an earlier post he gave me a copy of Think & Grow Rich: 13 Steps to Riches which I immediately read and a number of realizations hit me! The main one being… we are all responsible for our own lives and that we control our destiny in effect. I went to Indigo a few days later to purchase a copy for a friend and found:

Law of Success

which was written before Think & Grow Rich: 13 Steps to Riches and from the first quote within it’s pages… it also began to open and focus my mind on the realities of life. Till I read the following words… I perceived time as my enemy… something I was working against…

“Time is a master worker that heals the wounds of temporary defeat and equalizes the inequalities and rights the wrongs of the worlds. There is nothing impossible with time!”

Since May 2006 I have read a number of books on motivation… and as my interest in Napoleon Hill grew I started to do a bit of research on him and his life. In late November 2006 I ended up on wikipedia… which mentioned 2 things that stirred a great deal of curiosity in my mind: A movie named “The Secret” and a letter he wrote to Charles F. Haanel. As I visited Indigo once again… like a magnet “The Secret” book appeared in my sight… and I took it home and read it and found it message compelling. The next day I ordered the DVD and… well as the little banner on my page would suggest… I am a fan!

I leave you with this quote… which I now uses daily when listening to myself and those around me

“If you think you can… or you think you can’t… you’re right.”
Henry Ford

Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Marc.The simplicity of the
    Thirteen Steps, and the directives of The Science of Getting Rich, as well as the process in the Secret are the very reason people fail to complete what is asked for in each of the volumes. They make so much sense, they are so uncomplicated that we either taper off, in disbelief, or we simply quit because the obvious is too obvious. We expect instant miracles, but we don’t pay the price. Keep to your program ,Marc, Huge Success is out there for you. Thanks, Dad.

  2. Go To My Blog…Bob