As today is Sunday… I got to spend a bit of time with my Dad. By now I’m sure anyone who reads my blog will be familiar with “Mr. Bob” as he is a frequent contributor via his comments.

Today 3 topics surfaced during our conversation around The Secret.

  1. Does it’s teaching go against the Catholic Ideology?
  2. How much would something like this cost to produce?
  3. Why wasn’t / isn’t this promoted / written about in the newspaper?

Obviously it’s hard to answer any of these questions when sitting at a coffee shop without Internet access… but now that I’m back at the “office” perhaps the following will help 🙂
Regarding 1.
Email Pope Benedict XVI @ [email protected] and see what he says!
Regarding 2. and 3.
About $3 million… which I read at,1,971400.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Perhaps someday The Toronto Star will do an article… but for now you can read a bit more here:,8599,1573136,00.html
Beyond The Secret…
Today I finaly purchased an Anthony Robbins book! “Awaken the Giant Within” (His second book). I just finished chapter 1 and can already tell I’m going to love it! As per the book… “Statitics show that less than 10% of people who buy a book read past the first chapter.” I ussualy finish the books I decide to read… but will admit I don’t always put their lessons into practice! But hey… that is exactly what I will begin to do today!
Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Marc.Well I’m now a member of The Chicago Tribune, which I had to become if I wanted to read their article on the Secret. And yup, it cost three million bucks.I’d like to see how to get an excerpt from the Larry King show. I found the article to be rather “neutral” with no real opinions on how /what the rection is of the readers, and the article carried mostly quotes from the movie. But it was good to see something in publication on the secret. Ciao Bodad

  2. Hell-o again. I couldn’t e-mail the Pope because the default mail client is not properly installed. Anyway that’s what the sign said when I clicked on the Pope’s address. Maybe he’s out selling Popesicles. :-0

  3. Marc, thanks for directing me to your connection to the Times article on The Secret. A bit more of a credible account than the Chicago’s one. Thank for for all this ground work, Marc, it’s really appreciated. Dabob

  4. Big Bob… to reach the pope… simply copy and paste his email address (or simply type it in) your ussual email program 🙂

    If you are looking for peoples opinion of the book… visit and search for “the secret” (currently there are 102 reviews!)

    And last but not least… visit ans search for “the secret larry king” I think you find what you are looking for… and perhaps more!

  5. Hi Mr.Marc. Just as you were writing your note to me, I had already gone to Larry King and read the entire two trranscripts of the show he had on The Secret. It was more of a discussion on the power of positive thinking among some of the speakers from the secret. There was no real discussion as to whether or not the secret works. But it was a good exercise to do …thanks to you. Next I’ll try to get on to my kinship, the Pope….do I address him as Mr. Pope?

  6. Hi Marc,

    Just finished reading “The Secret” a few days ago and though I have to admit it was not a new concept to me, the book motivated me to actually put the idea into practice. I have started keeping a small log book of ways it has allready started working for me! Well, just wanted to say I loved the book – I want to pass it on to others to read but I don’t want to give up my copy so I thing I will have to go out and get a “loaner copy”! I am looking forward to seeing the DVD and discussing…

  7. Dear Lisa,

    I’m glad you enjoyed it… and that it is working for you and I realy look forward to seeing you!

    Just before reading The Secret… I read The 7 Spiritual Laws of success by Deepak Chopra which served as a great intro into The Secret. Right after reading The Secret I read The Science of Getting Rich… which I found really interesting as well.

    Perhaps Lisa you could create a blog of your log 🙂

    I should also mention that I noticed that on that the 1st 20 minutes of the movie is available to view…

    Ciao for now

    Marc Wagner

  8. My Dear cousin Marc,
    I just received a very magical gift in the mail today! Put a smile on my face all day! I was just on my way to the library (picked up the mail and got my genie lamp!) to look up Napolian Hill – they didn’t have any of his books at my branch but I requested one and should have it in the next few weeks! I have read a few Deepak Chopra books and am I fan. While at the library, I also picked up a copy of John Gray’s “Practical Miracles” and a book/DVD set by Eckhart Tolle. I am looking forward to the movie “The secret” but am not sure I have to patience to watch on-line – we are still on dial-up out here in the boonies… Anyways thanks so much to you and your Dad for thinking of me. The lamp will definatly keep my thoughts on the positive and on my dreams! Lisa

  9. Hi Lisa and sorry for the delay in acknologing your comment.

    I’m really glad you liked it and hope all your wishes come true 🙂

    The days are flying by… which means I’ll be seeing you soon

    Marc Wagner
    [email protected]