Today I was delighted to receive an email from Ross Cornwell the Editor of “Think and Grow Rich!” (subtitled) “The Original Version, Restored and Revised.”

Think And Grow Rich! The Original Version, Restored And Revised

It is quite amazing how and who a blog can attract. I assume a keyword search on either Napoleon Hill or Think and Grow Rich… would bring up my blog?

Beyond the blog and email thing… what makes this incident really interesting to me is that back in November 2006… I was researching Napoleon Hill on Wikipedia. Since then… the content has changed and there is no longer reference to The Secret movie… however the reference to the book above remains. A few days after reading the info on wikipedia I visited Indigo and picked up:

Think And Grow Rich Revised

The wrong one… or perhaps better said… not the one I thought it was 🙂

As I am currently taking a course on Marketing… I’d have to say that Mr. Cornwell email is inspiring. He took the time to visit my blog… and promoted an item to me that I most likely would want… so I ordered it 🙂

So I should state… if you read my blog… and you think I might be interested in your product or service… please by all means contact me!

Marc Wagner

P.S. Note to self… I wonder if I will get the credit as an Indigo affiliate for my own purchase?

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