To an extent I’m sure our life is affected by the name our parent choose for us and the ones we inherit via our culture. I could have easily been Jean Robert Leduc… had things been a bit different.

The other day when I was searching for my Dad’s lost blog… I came across a number of Robert (Bob) Wagners‘… and I’m sure there are plenty more of them out there too!

I remember being at the retail system’s show during June 2001 in Chicago… wandering in Wincor Nixdorf’s booth when a tall gentleman slowly turned towards me… as we began reading each others badges… both having somewhat of a puzzled look on our face… he was Mark Wagner and I am Marc Wagner.

Today my friend Tony G! tells me his son’s computer science teacher is named “Marc Wagner”.

Years ago (during 2000) I had registered and maintained a basic homepage. In 2001 I let my registration lapse.. and low and behold… well visit the site… he’s not me… and I not him so I my question is… in this ever shrinking world… is it enough to just use 2 words to name and identify ourselves?

I should say I was sure glad was available… and I’m not going to let this one go… unless I change my name 🙂

I’ve been searching for myself on Google and on blogger (not that I’m lost 🙂 but just trying to see where I appear… and I keep finding others named Marc Wagner!!!

Do I need to start using my middle name or initial to distinct myself? Are people going to think that I spend time working in my garage? Or that I have an opinion about Novel? People are paranoid about identity theft… but what about when your name doesn’t identify YOU anymore.
Granted those named Smith and Johnson… have been dealing with this for a while… but for ME Marc Wagner… it’s a going to take some adjusting!

I am MARC WAGNER… and so are a bunch of other people!

Marc Wagner


  1. Hi Marc Robert Wagner, this was one of the most enjoyable articles on names that I have ever read. You definitely have talents and writing skills. I am always quite guarded about my name. I always check the new telephone book when it comes out to see how my name appears. this year I struck it rich. I’m the only one listed as Bob and not just the initial of either B or R. If I can’t register under the name of Bob or Mr. Bob it gets me upset. Our name is one of the things that is personal to us. It’s our identification for life. I really would have preffered being called Elvis, but that was not to be. So Marc Robert Wagner, From Robert Steven John Joseph Wagner may we never get lost in our names. Have a good one. Love, Dad.

  2. Dear Dad 🙂

    Try and search Canada wide for Bob Wagner!!!

    I’d be scared to try it on

    Love you and thank you