In 16 days my
Tony Robbins Date With Destiny experience officially begins 🙂 

I decided to think back today on
how this whole adventure began for me…

as well as try to answer why I seem so
obsessed with Tony Robbins 🙂

I must admit that in my late teens and early twenties I
disliked that “infomercial guy”. Anthony Robbins who in the late
eighties and early nineties, sporting his parted hair and big suits and teeth talking about “personal power” or how I could “get the edge” just did not appeal to me at all.

But by synchronicity in 2002 I
met Tim Mulcahy who was a big fan of Tony Robbins. He had used his CDs early
in his sales career and along with many other mentors, Tim’s “Sales Superstar” book strongly encouraged leveraging Tony’s tools. 

And as much as I admired Tim…
I read most of the other books he recommended but I chose to not read or listen to
anything Tony Robbins had produced. I really did not believe I would enjoy
anything of his.
Just to put that in
context. By that point I had read over 150 non fiction books mostly on
business. I had recently watched and read The Secret and was a huge fan as well
as of many other thought leaders. 
But not Tony Robbins!
But then in early
January 2007 I read a book named “Word That Work” and the author praises none other than Tony

Well at that moment I was ready to give Tony’s stuff a shot! I picked
up “Awaken the Giant Within” and I was totally blown away… how could I not know
this 😉

That book was my exposure to his work. Now if you have seen “I am not your Guru” on Netflix then you might be surprised as the language is quite different if you know what I mean 🙂       
I was very impressed by
Tony’s models and strategies. Plus he had grown a little goatee and seemed sport black t shirts and seemed much cooler. 
Coincidentally 😉 
it ended up being a good year for me as I got to
work with Tim Mulcahy on his “Sales Superstar” audio project and as destiny would
have it… I got to see Tony Robbins in person in Edmonton as part of a Power
Within day and by even more luck…I ended up getting a photo with Tony 🙂

I mean it is awesome when I think that from having zero interest in Tony Robbins whatsoever until the beginning 2007 and in less than 2 years after becoming a fan, I got to shake his hand and have my photo taken him 🙂 

Well let me tell you…
That photo helped me take a real good look at myself and it triggered me to
lose some weight. 

I gave a lot of credit to U weight loss and it deserved even more
for sure in my journey of “pulling against the rubber band” as Dr.
Arya Sharma might call it (That is another story) 

It was also the time I did “Get The Edge” while anticipating UPW Toronto June 2009.

The state I felt and was in was as close to bliss as I think I have ever felt in that video

Life has never been the same 🙂

More fluke and random events
put me on a path of exploring MLM in 2011 and I decided as part of a Black
Friday promotion to order ALL the Tony Robbin’s Audio Programs 🙂

I started with The Path
to Permanent Weight Loss and Ordered a Fitbit that night just in time for 2012 🙂 

I continued to enjoy Tony’s other audio programs and over time had focused on other things for the next few years.

And then in 2015 an opportunity to continue my research in personal development surfaced again so I decided to attend UPW Chicago 2015 and OMG the amazing people and couples I met on that journey really touched me in a meaningful way.

Also the momentum and anticipation in preparing for the event I also got into better physical shape again… and some how got to have my photo taken again with Tony Robbins in September 2015 at an event in Toronto  

I enjoyed the experience so much I decided take my Dad Mr. Bob to UPW LA 2015 and that was a blast

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