In hindsight and in foresight… all days are great!

Although there has been some “reports” (found via Google) on Steve Ballmer’s speech at the NRF… (Which linked the next link)

the transcript and webcast are not as yet available…

Since I have been awaiting this moment for so long… I thought I’d send Mr. Ballmer an email to see when it would be made available:

Subject: NRF Webcast and transcript

Dear Mr. Ballmer, Since seeing the press release on Jan 11,2007… I have been clicking in the link to view the transcript of your speech at the NRF that occurred yesterday. I must have clicked 100 times since yesterday… but it is still not available. Moments ago I noticed the update for your Nortel speech tomorrow… but I still don’t see any info about the NRF speech. Could you please advise as to when it will be available?

Marc Wagner

(BTW It wasn’t my first email to my hero 🙂

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re:
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006

I just wanted to say your doing a great job!

Your upcoming presence at NFR is absolutely inspiring.

I encountered this inconvenience today and found it alarming… so I felt compelled to let you know. (Perhaps you could get the IT folks for the CCRA to be more Microsoft friendly)

Keep well Mr. Ballmer and thank you for your wonderful influence.

Marc Wagner

I just joined Empower ISV so I’m pretty pumped!

—– Original Message —–
From: Steve Ballmer
Marc Wagner
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:04 PM
Subject: RE:
Thanks a lot that is 600K companies

From: Marc Wagner
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 5:05 PM
To: Steve Ballmer

Mr. Ballmer,

I’d imagine there is more than an 100 emails to date that have hit your box…

Great speech… I wish I could find Doug’ Burgums? I’ve been anticipating it since may
Please note… last year press pass was much faster to update with content (maybe because of the weekend?)

As per:
“over 600,000 partners around the world” I am curious if this is individuals or companies?

Mr. Ballmer… I hope one day to make a significant contribution to the world, Microsoft has made me believe this is actually possible.

Thank you for reading this sir… and obviously for everything you and your amazing team at Microsoft do for us partners every day!

Marc Wagner and

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